A Photographic Series

What could be hiding in this closet?

Today Nanny Sunshine took Das Big Boy to the pediatrician to have his illness evaluated. What a brave and wonderful soul she is. I’m pretty sure taking a coughing kid with an exceedingly complex pulmonary history to his first appointment with a new pediatrician is beyond what one is supposed to ask of a nanny, but she is awesome and thus gets stuck with crappy jobs. Unfair how that works, isn’t it?

Dr. David Greenes (of Needham Pediatrics) called me after examining Das Big Boy (which I thought was supernice of him) so we could talk through his assessment. He thought Das Big Boy’s lungs sounded pretty clear. His respiratory rate was on the high side, and his 02 saturation was just slightly off at 95-97 (I’m proud to say his baseline is now 98-100). No gold stars for the lungs, but no panic either.  Doesn’t seem like pneumonia, so that’s good. So we think it’s probably just a virus and we’ll keep an eye on it. Dr. G. suggested that, while unlikely, it could be a sinus infection, since it’s been lingering for a while, and said we could treat with antibiotics. But I think unnecessary antibiotics tend to weaken the immune system. And it’s not really screaming bacterial infection to me. So we’re going to hold off on that. Of course, since the appointment, Das Big Boy has developed a smidge of stridor with the cough. If it starts sounding croupy, we’re going to see about getting him a ‘roid shot. He remains perfectly happy, although he did just puke in his crib (a side effect of mucus face and cough when you have a sensitive gag reflex), so his dad is perhaps less happy.

Could it be?

Baby girl HH remains in utero, and I so far don’t seem to have contracted the virus that’s leveling my family. We should be grateful for that, and probably do some wood knocking, since I’m afraid that if I get a cough I’m going to cough out a baby. La Gigi is well again and will return to duty tomorrow, but poor El Papa remains sick, although he is healing.

Surprise, it’s a supercute, if ill, toddler!

We should also count ourselves lucky that Herr Husband hasn’t absconded to a tropical isle to avoid the drudgery that is maintaining our household while working hard at his job. I imagine it’s the adorableness of our child that’s keeping him here. If you’re going to puke in a bed, it’s generally a good idea to be supercute so that people will forgive you. Just ask any college student!

Like Flies, I Tell You

The Familie is not faring particularly well at the moment. I feel fine, you know, for someone whose blood pressure is elevated by the simple task of walking from her OB’s lobby to an exam room. And on that note, my NP appointment today went well, and didn’t even feature a manual check of my cervix–hooray! Just your typical weighing, blood pressure, peeing, measuring, heartbeat listening stuff–all of which went well (once they rechecked my BP after I’d recovered from my marathon walk). It appears, btw, that Herr Husband was right. No umbilical hernia, just extreme stretching of abdominal muscles. Yay!


Das Big Boy at the park with Nanny Sunshine on Monday.

And Herr Husband is ok, too. But La Gigi and El Papa remain sick, and Das Big Boy has decided to turn his ten-day-old toddler boogie nose into barky, juicy cough and low grade fever. These things, while probably fine, are slightly more alarming in a child with chronic lung disease. So a trip to the pediatrician may be in our future. And by our future, I mean Herr Husband’s future. I’ll offer couch moral support. I’m a bit bummed as I haven’t even met our new pediatrician yet and I want to be in on a first visit, but c’est la vie. The past few years of being constantly engaged in the medical system have made me strangely really like the medical system. Too bad I was blood-squeamish when getting myself educated; I think I would have liked being a doctor. I still fantasize about going the NP route, but another three years of school will bankrupt me and make me old, and seriously, at some point I should probably get a paying job again instead of just going to school and growing lovely humans in a shoddy environment. And there’s that book to write…

Thankfully, Nanny Sunshine is healthy (knock on wood–all of you, do some knocking!), and she’s keeping Das Big Boy–who doesn’t seem to mind being sick–entertained. Today she invented a Twister-like game by coloring a rainbow spots on big paper on the floor and having Das Big Boy step on them or put his hands on them. So cute! And then he made his stuffed animals play. Adorbs!

So, along with those long, closed cervix vibes you’ve been so generously sending, feel free to send some healing vibes to my parents and child!

Just Another Manic Monday

Today, Mo read Das Big Boy the George and Martha story, “The Tightrope.” Afterwards, Das Big Boy ran around the house with this noodle between his legs shouting, “Das Big Boy on a Tightrope.” It was awesome.

Well, as manic as things can get on the couch, anyway.

Herr Husband had to leave at dawn for a DC daytrip, which meant dumping Das Big Boy in bed with me. My fear was that if Das Big Boy were to awake in the thirty minutes between HH’s departure and Nanny Sunshine’s arrival, I wouldn’t be able to go up to his crib to rescue him. Das Big Boy is fidgety when he gets into a big bed, and by fidgety I mostly mean face-kicky. So that was fun. But he is also very cute and woke up smiling and asking for Beejer, his chimpanzee sidekick.

He had a double puke morning, unfortunately. That cold is lingering in its barky cough phase, which also means an even more sensitive gag reflex and a tummy full of mucus–ew. Nanny Sunshine had been warned when she joined our team that vomit was on the menu–ew again. (Actually, I’ve been surprised by how puke-free things have been during her time in office). But still.

Then the plumbers showed up to fix the pipe that ruptured during the efforts to unclog our kitchen sink. They made a lot of noise, which intrigued Das Big Boy, but not so much the rest of us.

At two, Mo arrived, taking over an extended La Gigi shift (fortuitously, for by the end of the day, La Gigi would be struck down by the same illness plaguing El Papa). Mo arrived bearing delicious Whole Foods dinner (pumpkin risotto!) and entertainments–an enormo box of crayons for Das Big Boy and accoutrement for him to make ornaments for the tree. This was very exciting because DBB has wanted to discuss ornaments and decorations a great deal since the tree went up. He’s also into denuding the tree, but not so much the replacing of the ornaments he’s taken down. It’s a work in progress.

Still awesome.

Mo really took one for the team (if by the team you mean my family). She fed Das Big Boy two meals (a nearly impossible feat), played the role of Beejer in the kitchen beautifully, and even changed a poopy diaper. If that’s not the work of a best friend, I don’t know what is. Not to mention she entertained me for hours on end, as she always does.

My biggest accomplishment today was diagnosing myself with an umbilical hernia. This does not mean that I have a crazy outie, but just that I have a pain above my belly button. Herr Husband says I’m not allowed to have any more medical conditions. I’m inclined to agree with him. Fortunately, even if I’m right, this one doesn’t seem to be a big deal.

Baby Girl is still hanging in there. I have an appointment tomorrow with the NP at my OB’s practice. Back to regular old appointments for me! Hopefully all will be well–we’re no longer compulsively measuring my cervix, so I won’t be able to analyze every millimeter of change. I think this means fewer opportunities for anxiety. We shall see!

Sweet dreams, sweet ballerinas.


I’ll admit it. I’m fairly easily amused. I amuse myself quite a bit, which is essential to my being a fundamentally happy (if vaguely smug and annoying) person. (And a person who apparently uses a lot of adverbs–my creative writing professors and colleagues would be so ashamed).

I’m also very amused by my kid.

Now I imagine that those of you who aren’t couch-blobs are suffering from a bit of that malaise that comes with returning to work after an extra-long weekend, or having your co-parent return to work after an extra-long weekend. So I will share with you some of the amusing things that have happened in my tiny sphere (the eight-foot semicircular radius around my couch) in the previous forty-eight hours. May my anecdotes lift your spirits as they have lifted mine.

1. Das Big Boy and I were reading Horton Hears a Who (by Dr. Seuss, notes my toddler). In it, Horton mentions that children may live on the speck of dust he’s protecting. I smelled a teachable moment (that sounds dangerous with a toddler, but really, it just means I wanted to engage him in an educational convo.)

Me, apparently. At least Horton is kind and nurturing.

“Children,” I said. “Who’s a child?”

“Das Big Boy,” said Das Big Boy, pronouncing his name correctly as is now the norm for him.

“That’s right,” I said. “Das Big Boy is a child. And what is mommy?”

“Fat,” answered Das Big Boy.

A glutton for punishment (among other things, if Das Big Boy is to be believed) I persisted. “What’s Mommy?” I asked.

Das Big Boy responded with something that sounded like either Allison or elephant. “Elephant?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he replied, “Mommy is Horton.”

2. Yesterday, Herr Husband was struggling a bit to set up our Christmas tree. The stand was malfunctioning and he was getting a bit annoyed. I, as usual, was on the couch. Das Big Boy wandered off and was not under direct adult supervision. He’s fairly trustworthy, so we let this happen from time to time.

After several quiet minutes, he emerged from the bathroom.

Apparently the grand master of a potty parade, he held the toilet brush aloft like a baton and had twenty feet of toilet paper trailing from his foot. The rest of the roll, it turned out, was balled up on the floor in the bathroom. We were TPd by our own child. And we handled this moment by laughing hysterically rather than parenting. Although Herr Husband did take the toilet brush away, because that’s a little gross. At least Das Big Boy was holding it by the right end.

The Taunting, by Eric Joyner.                        Yup. Robots and Donuts. Like this. There’s also one that imitates the Hopper painting Nighthawks, but that seemed obvious to post here, even though it’s hilarious and fascinating.

3. This has nothing to do with Das Big Boy but with something fascinating and fabulous to which ESA introduced me. Are you all familiar with the art of Eric Joyner? He paints robots and donuts.

ESA went on a date with someone who felt it was very urgent that she see his book of Eric Joyner paintings. And no, that’s not a euphemism.

I told her I was glad she went on such dates because otherwise I would never know that these robot and donut paintings (and their attendant obsessive fanboys) exist. And I am happy they do.

Now you can share in my bliss. The world is a funny and mysterious place.

Also, my second child remains a fetus, so that’s good news, too.

Happy Sunday night, loyal readers!

This photo is also from the tree shopping escapade. It’s amusing in its cuteness, I think. Also, I was afraid you’d get mad at me if I didn’t post a Das Big Boy photo today.

Status Quo


Das Big Boy helps pick the perfect tree. Later, when his father has set up said tree and asks how it looks, he will reply, “Green.”

The nice thing about the status quo is that sometimes it can be awesome. Like today. Yes, I spent the entirety of my day on the couch, as usual. But I spent it not having a baby while Herr Husband and Das Big Boy went out for our Christmas tree.

Then this evening, Mo and the Extra Special Agent (ESA) came over to trim the tree and entertain me and my toddler. We ate delicious (guest provided) food and gabbed all night, which is why I am late in posting.

It was a good night, and now I’ll wish you a good night.

Sweet dreams, sweet ballerinas, as Das Big Boy would say. (He loves the book Olivia Helps with Christmas, which ends with her dreaming about being a ballerina. So that’s set the standard for sweet dreaming, it would appear.)


Could the hood be any cuter?


Happy Thanksgiving! Around here, we’re grateful that I’ve hit the big thirty-week mark, and that we got to celebrate Thanksgiving with La Gigi, El Papa, and Mimi. Big thanks to Herr Husband and my parents for all the work they had to do today. We didn’t let a clogged kitchen sink or a midmeal toddler puke derail us, because we have too much for which we are thankful!

Also, check out Das Big Boy’s amazing orange wide-wale cords. Thanks, Cherry Picked!

My two dudes. Could they be any more handsome?

Das Big Boy and Mimi, my ninety-nine-year-old grandmother. He adores her. (And she him, obvs.) It’s awesome.

La Gigi, Das Big Boy, and El Papa. Adorbs.